Tuesday 30 November 2021

Part 2: Establishing Requirements


 Gathering Requirements - Task Analysis


Foodpanda is a Singaporean online food and grocery delivery service operated by Berlin, Germany-based Delivery Hero. With its headquarters in Singapore, Foodpanda is the primary brand for Delivery Hero around Asia. Outside of China, it is the leading food and grocery delivery platform in Asia, operating activities in 12 Asian regions.

Foodpanda users may categorize food based on cuisine type, rating, price range, and a variety of other factors, but the nutrient value is not one of them. The program does not disclose any nutritional information about the meal that is being promoted to the user. This flaw is unquestionably inconvenient for Foodpanda consumers who prioritize healthy food purchases. They would have to look up the nutrition facts for the meals before purchasing them, which would slow down and disrupt their Foodpanda experience.

It's not unusual for Foodpanda orders to be canceled due to some unexpected out beyond the company's control. It's remarkable, though, that Foodpanda might give users push messages when their orders are canceled.  Average food delivery takes between 20 to 30 minutes. Allowing customers to access the program and track orders several times in such a short space of time is unrealistic and inconvenient. Furthermore, when an order is canceled 10 minutes after it is placed but the consumers are not notified for another 20 minutes because the program does not update them, it is highly inefficient.

Despite the fact that riders and suppliers are two of the app's most frequent users, Foodpanda does not meet their needs. For instance, in order to complete the delivery task, a Foodpanda rider needed to download an additional application that was not designed by Foodpanda. To register as a food vendors on the Foodpanda platform, food merchants must go to the Foodpanda official website. While Foodpanda provides training on the topics mentioned above, it is unfair to expect merchants and riders to be able to fully utilize the Foodpanda program with all of the features that they need.


  • Add the nutrition value to the descriptions of food.
  • Add push notifications as the default feature to the application.
  • Add features that are specifically for the riders and vendors.



Persona 1: Student


This is Sofia. She is 23 years old and currently studying in Monash University Malaysia which is situated at Subang Jaya in Malaysia. She is a local student but her hometown is in Johor Bahru. His degree subject is Electrical and Electronics Engineering and she is in 3rd year now. Since her childhood she was passionate about circuits, motors. She has gained knowledge about designing, testing, and developing the electrical equipment. Other than that she is involved with the robotics club of the university and has won prizes for her outstanding performances. She is an extrovert and has a big group of friends. On the weekends she likes to hangout with her group and refreshes her mind.

As she stays in the university residence and they do not provide any food service, so she often orders food on online. Because of having class for the whole day sometimes she forgets to place the order. That’s why she thinks that she cannot keep a record of her food diet. Moreover she does not order the same type of food every time. So she was thinking if there was any tracking on her daily diet would be great. 

Persona 2: Foodpanda Rider

Salam is 20 years old and lives in a small house with his family in Sabah. He has 5 members in his family and he is the eldest child. His father has retired and now they do not have any earning person in the house. Salam has finished his secondary school and was waiting to get admitted to a medical college for his higher education. He dreams to become a great doctor one day. Since his childhood he always used to get interested if there was any conversation going on about the history of medical science. 

Now considering his family condition, he is working as a foodpanda rider. His income is contributing a lot in this situation of his family. One of his friends suggested him to do this work as a part time job. But getting registered as a rider was not an easy task. He was misled and faced a lot of trouble because this was his first time to use the application as a rider.

Persona 3: Vendor


Alex is 40 years old and lives in Johor Bahru. He is the owner of the famous restaurant “Thai Garden” in the locality. He lives with his daughter, son and wife. His full family loves to spend their holidays on the beach. Whenever he gets time he goes out with them to enjoy the day and he loves to  create memories. He runs the business since 2011. He has completed his degree on culinary art. He was passionate about cooking since he had seen his mother to take part on cooking shows. He dreamt of having a restaurant and was determined about it. The journey was not easy at all. The tastes of food are changing day by day and he has to make changes in his menus too. His customers are really happy with his service and gives good reviews.

When Alex started his business, people used to go to the restaurant physically and enjoy the food. But now technology has developed a lot and there is an option to order food on online and get the home delivery. Alex has also registered his restaurant on foodpanda application. But he has gone through a lot of difficulties for this. He thinks that this process should become easy for the newcomers. 


Task 1: Place an order (Student)

As it is approaching the lunch hour, Sofia opens the Foodpanda application on her phone to place an order for food. Being hungry, Sofia naturally wishes to complete the ordering process as early as possible. However, she could not because Sofia has found herself gaining weight recently. Hence, she has to spend a decent amount of time to identify the nutritional value of the food that she is going to order. Sofia is forced to manually search for the information on the Internet since it is not present on the application. This extra process significantly slow down Sofia’s user experience with the application while forcing her to bear with the hunger.

Task 2: Deliver an order (Rider)

Alex has joined the Foodpanda as a vendor since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the assistance of Foodpanda delivery services, Alex is able to maintain his business even during this tough times. As much as Alex would think he finally becomes experienced in using Foodpanda, he admits that the Foodpanda is not user-friendly to the users who are trying to join as the vendors or riders. He recalls that he has to use external websites to register Foodpanda as a vendor during the first time he download the application. He spends a decent amount to time to search for the tutorial of vendor registration because the registration feature for vendor and rider is not directly available within the application. Besides, he is confused by the difference between “foodpanda for business” and “List restaurant or store on foodpanda”. Although the user manual does include the tutorial for this registration process, Alex’s experience has proved that some of the new users would still find it difficult to access as long as the button for “Vendor/Rider Regisration” is not present at the homepage. Until now, Alex still has to help some of his friends who are joining Foodpanda as the vendor for the first time by teaching them how to register as a vendor.

Task 3: Look for user manual (vendor)

Alex has joined the Foodpanda as a vendor since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the assistance of Foodpanda delivery services, Alex is able to maintain his business even during this tough times. As much as Alex would think he finally becomes experienced in using Foodpanda, he admits that the Foodpanda is not user-friendly to the users who are trying to join as the vendors or riders. He recalls that he has to watch couple of tutorial videos on how to use Foodpanda as a vendor during the first time he download the application. The content is not even available within the application since he is redirected to external website after clicking onto the user manual in the application. This type of user manual quickly become impractical as Alex is forced to switch forth and back between the application and external website to implement the operations based on the tutorial. Until now, Alex still has to help some of his friends who are joining Foodpanda as the vendor for the first time by teaching them how to correctly utilize the application features 


1. Hierarchical Task Analysis of TASK 1 Foodpanda Menu Description

HTAs of Current Foodpanda Menu Description:

HTA 1: Customer System   

HTA 2: Rider System   


HTA 3: Vendor Menu Management System   

Video on Vendor's Menu System:


Video on Rider's Menu System:



Video on Customer's Menu System:


Findings from the HTAs of Task 2 Foodpanda Menu System:

 My findings from my Hierarical Tecnical Analaysis of the current system is that there are so many rooms for improvements in their system. To achieve a much healthy community i agree that Delivery companies such as foodpanda should take part in it as well. As we can see at the vendor HTA in the section of adding the menu the nutritional facts can be placed there. Next, in regards of the rider. A part of taking a healthy lifestyle is to be on time. So we added a special feature whereby whoever uses pandapro could get their order prioritized especially if they preordered. This is the initiative we took to include the rider into our system. Lastly, the customers we have decided to make a section in the app whereby the user can set their calorie goals and this shall happen in the user setting before they place an order. This is how we planned on implementing the healthy lifestyle into the app.

HTA of Proposed Solution for System Menu Description:



2. Hierarchical Task Analysis of TASK 2 Foodpanda Notification System

HTAs of Current Notification System:


Plan 0: Do 1, 2, 3, 4                                                  Plan 0: Do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5                   Plan 0: Do 1, 2, 3.1, 4, 5, 6 

Plan 1: Do 1.1 or 1.2                                                                                                         Plan 2: Do 3.1 or 3.2

Plan 2: Do 2.1 or 2.2, 2.3 


        HTA 1: Vendor Notification System      HTA 2: Ryder Notification System    HTA 3: Customer Notification System


Video on Vendor's Notification System:


Video on Rider's Notification System: 

Video on Customer's Notification System:  

Findings from the HTAs of Task 2 Foodpanda Notification System:


After carrying out the refinement of HTA for the notification system of Foodpanda, it is found that the Foodpanda app does not show push notifications on order progress or order cancellation. It is not strange to have orders cancelled on Foodpanda due to any unexpected event that is beyond Foodpanda’s capabilities. However, it is strange that Foodpanda could provide push notifications to the users when their orders are cancelled. A typical food delivery process would consume 20 to 40 minutes. It is not realistic and definitely inconvenient to let the users repeatedly open the application and track the orders in this period of time. Besides, it is also extremely inefficient when the order is cancelled 10 minutes after it is placed but the users only know about it after another 20 minutes because the application does not notify them. The users now have to repeat the entire delivery process once again and perhaps face another unnoticed order cancellation. In short, the food purchasing and delivery process become extremely time-consuming without push notifications. Therefore, we have proposed a solution to the notification system of foodpanda for making the Foodpanda app more efficient and user-friendly. The HTA of the proposed system is given below:

HTA of Proposed Solution for Notification System:


Plan 0: Do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Plan 2: Do 2.1 or 2.2

Plan 3: Do 3.1 or 3.2

Plan 3.2: Do 3.2.1 or 3.2.2, 3.2.3


3. Hierarchical Task Analysis of TASK 3 Foodpanda User Manual

HTAs of Current System User Manual:


Plan 0: Do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Plan 4: Do 4.1

HTA 1: Customer User Manual System

Plan 0: Do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Plan 6: Do 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 or 6.6, 6.7

HTA 2: Vendor User Manual System

Plan 0: Do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Plan 6: Do 6.1, 6.2
Plan 7: Do 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4

HTA 3: Rider User Manual System

Video on Rider's Current System User Manual: 


Video on Vendor's Current System User Manual: 


Video on Customer's Current System User Manual: 



Findings from the HTAs of Task 3 Foodpanda System User Manual:


Based on the finding, it is found that the Foodpanda app does not provide the in-app services for vendor and rider registration. Both vendor and rider are required to dig into the user manual to search for the registration option. In other words, the registration option for vendor and rider are difficult to be located by new users. Also, it should also be noted that we could not expect everyone new user to go through the FAQ completely. Besides, they would have to use net browser to access the registration webpage in which they would be redirected once they click the link that acts as a registration button. Considering vendor and rider are two of the most important roles in the operation of Foodpanda, the lack of in-app registration system would inhibit the growth of the Foodpanda market due to the inconvenience of new vendor and rider registration. Hence, we proposed to include the vendor and rider registration process as an in-app feature which is simply represented by “Join an vendor” and “Join as rider” buttons on the homepage. 

HTA of Proposed Solution for System User Manual:


Plan 0: Do 1, 2, 3
Plan 1: Do 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
Plan 2: Do 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4.
Plan 3: Do 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 or 3.7, 3.8




Requirement Specification for Task 1

  • Functional Requirement : The representation of the food nutritional value as one of  the food descriptions available in the application.
  • Description : The system should display the nutritional value of the foods promoted within the application and allow the users to sort the foods based on ascending or descending order of the nutritional value.
  • Justification : The users who value healthy diets wish to be provided with more freedom and convenience on ordering healthy foods.
  • Non-functional Requirement : The accuracy of the nutritional value.




Requirement Specification for Task 2

  • Functional Requirement : The push notifications on the latest update of the delivery.
  • Description : The system should generate the notifications that allow users to be aware of the latest condition of their orders even when they are not opening the application.
  • Justification : The users want to minimize the time delay between the moment when the latest notification of their orders is generated and the moment when they actually see the notifications.
  • Non-functional Requirement : The flexibility of the notification box that allow users to expand or shrink the box when necessary.

Requirement Specification for Task 3   


  • Functional Requirement : The “Join as vendor” and “Join as rider” buttons.
  • Description : The system should provide a input button that are highly visible and comprehensible by the new user would like register as vendor or rider.
  • Justification : This could speed up and ease up the registration process of new rider and vendor, increasing the potential revenue of the company.
  • Non-functional Requirement : The location of the buttons.


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